Goodbye New West Park Beer Prohibition

Enjoying New West’s finest at Pier Park for The Dregs Episode 9

On May 17 New West city council adopted the consumption of liquor in public spaces bylaw. What does this mean? Adults can now legally drink in the designated zones of seven different parks across New West, between 11am and dusk, seven days a week.

The timing of this bylaw adoption could not be better with hotter weather on the horizon and an increasing number of people in the Lower Mainland getting vaccinated.

So, what parks can you now enjoy a tasty local beverage free from hassle? To make things easy, we created this handy dandy map that highlights where the licensed parks in New West are located:

New Westminster alcohol in parks map

To celebrate the passing of this new bylaw we recorded Episode 9 of The Dregs Podcast alongside our co-host Aaron (@cascadianbeerpodcast) on location in Pier Park. The sun was shining, the beers were cold, and the stoke was seriously high. The constant rumbling of the trains couldn’t even throw us off track (wouldn’t be a VANPOURS article without at least one pun).

For this recording we appropriately secured a stellar local lineup of craft beers from New West’s finest:

…and one from their new neighbour in Burnaby:

Listen to our take on these three brews, plus our usual shenanigans, in Episode 9 of The Dregs Podcast which is now available on your podcast player of choice, including Spotify!

Thanks for the continued support, and stay tuned for more new episodes!

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